World history

Revolutionary springs

  • The French Revolution of 1789 coincided very precisely with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of June 1989 that was making a trine to Saturn. Remarkably, three years later, the Convention abolished the monarchy on September 21, 1792, a month after the third Jupiter-Neptune conjunction of that year, which was making an opposition to Saturn in sidereal Aries, the sign of Saturn's fall. This is one of many interesting examples that suggest that Neptune is also strongly correlated to political revolutions, and that this archetypal topic is not exclusively associated to Uranus or Pluto.

  • The 1848 Revolutions throughout Europe coincided with a remarkable aspect figure formed by Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus: a series of Jupiter-Uranus waxing squares and of Jupiter-Saturn waxing trines from Sep 1847 to June 1848. At that time Saturn was within 14 degrees of Neptune, following their conjunction of Apr-Dec 1846. Remarkably, Jupiter was within 1 degree of the star Sirius in February 1848, when the revolution started in Paris.

  • In October 1851, the opposition of Jupiter highlighted the stellium of Saturn, Uranus and Pluto that lasted the whole year 1851 and coincided with a number of revolutions: both the Taiping Rebellion and the Nian Rebellion started in China in 1851. There was also the 1851 Chilean Revolution and the French coup of 1851 in December.

  • In September 1989, the Jupiter opposition to Saturn and Uranus marked a climax during the stellium of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The year 1989 was a turning point in modern history with the Revolutions of 1989 across Eastern Europe that culminated in November with the Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia. It was also the year of the Tiananmen Square protests. All those events that marked a turning point in the 20th century must be seen from the wider perspective of the stellium of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in 1989, before the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993. However, it would be interesting to clarify the role played by Jupiter in that context, and to differentiate the topics correlated to Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus from the topics correlated to Saturn-Uranus-Neptune.

The chart for the beginning of the 1848 revolution in France: Feb 22, 1848.

Continental wars and global conflicts

The history of Europe can be correlated with Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus stellia, cycles and aspect figures:

  • The 1762 Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus stellium coincided with the beginning of the Anglo-Spanish War when Britain entered the war against Spain and Naples in the context of the Seven Years' War (1756-1763).

  • The 1796 Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus T-square was an important milestone in the War of the First Coalition (1792–97) during the French Revolutionary Wars. It also coincided with the start of Napoleon Bonaparte's rise: he gained his first victory as an army commander at the Battle of Montenotte and successfully invaded Italy.

  • The 1802-03 Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus stellium coincided with the end of the War of the Second Coalition and marks the transition between the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars.

  • The American Civil War started during the 1861-62 Saturn-Uranus square and lasted until the trine (André Barbault, Planetary Cycles Mundane Astrology).

  • The 1941-1942 Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus stellium coincided with the climax and turning point of World War II, when the United States and Japan entered the war in the Pacific and the Germans invaded Russia. Remarkably, it also coincided with an exact waning trine between Uranus and Neptune, marking an important step in the Uranus-Neptune cycle, after the opposition of 1906-1910.