Timeline of alignments (1988-2045)

The big picture: timeline of the current "big cycle" (1988-2170)

The current "big cycle" started at the time of the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune stellium of 1988-89, before the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993. It will end after the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 2165, with the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune stellium of 2169-70. The circular timeline below presents the current Uranus-Neptune cycle (1993-2165), the four Saturn-Uranus cycles (1988-2170) and the five Saturn-Neptune cycles (1989-2170) that fit into that "big cycle" of about 180 years. 

Timeline of the cycles between Saturn, Uranus and Neptune  (1988-2170)

An approach to build a timeline of the first quarter of the "big cycle"

I've used the following approach to build a timeline that focuses on the first quarter of the current "big cycle", from 1988 to 2041: 

A timeline focused on the cycles between Saturn, Uranus and Neptune (1988-2043)

2020-2045 timeline

The approach described above leads to the following timeline: 

The Saturn-Uranus-Neptune T-square of 2043 is a rare alignment that will mark a major milestone in the "big cycle" (1988-2170) that started with the Saturn-Uranus-Neptune stellium of 1988-89. 

Extending the timeline with trines and sextiles (1988-2043)

The timeline above can be extended by adding the trines and sextiles in the cycles between Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. 

Focusing on 2024-2026

The next set of remarkable alignments will occur from 2024 until 2026, around the time of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction:

First Jupiter square Saturn, Uranus sextile Neptune - June 2024

Second Jupiter square Saturn, Uranus sextile Neptune - December 2024

Jupiter squares the Saturn-Neptune conjunction, Uranus sextile Neptune - June 2025. 

Saturn-Neptune conjunction, Uranus sextile Neptune - February 2026